Ionuț Negoiță a mărturisit că parcursul lui Dinamo din prima parte a acestui sezon este „surprinzător de bună”. Omul de afaceri vede echipa capabilă să încheie campionatul chiar pe poziție de podium. A explicat care vor mai fi interacțiunile sale cu „câinii”. Ionuț Negoiță, fostul patron al lui Dinamo în perioada 2012-2020, a revenit în acest an ca sponsor al grupării din Capitală. Doar atât, nu are alte intenții, conform propriilor declarații. ...
Ionuț Negoiță, a football figure associated with Dinamo, is surprised by the current situation of the team. He humorously suggests that he'll be involved with Dinamo "once or twice" moving forward, hinting at limited but continued connection.
Essentially, the article focuses on Negoiță's reaction to a specific circumstance involving Dinamo and his likely future involvement with the club.
Ionuț Negoiță, a football figure associated with Dinamo, is surprised by the current situation of the team. He humorously suggests that he'll be involved with Dinamo "once or twice" moving forward, hinting at limited but continued connection. Essentially, the article focuses on Negoiță's reaction to a specific circumstance involving Dinamo and his likely future involvement with the club.